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Stafford, VA family photographer | week 15 project 365

099 | 365   april 9

Painting with a side of PB&J…never seems to get old.

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100 | 365   april 10 {100 days}

You love to “wash” your own dishes. You mostly make a huge mess of water and soap everywhere but you always feel so proud and accomplished.


101 | 365   april 11

You never leave home without your bright green collection bucket for all of the treasures you find along the way.



102 | 365 april 12

When you were an infant, there was nothing worse than the car. You would turn bright red and cry hysterically. I would frantically drive along, sweating and singing to you, praying you would calm down. Then one day it stopped. Now I’m lucky if I can make it home from Target without you falling asleep. On today’s long drive, I was thankful that those days are long behind us. {Please excuse the mirror finger prints. It’s how we roll.}


103 | 365   april 13

Because every bouquet of spring flowers deserve to be photographed in my favorite kind of light.

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104 | 365   april 14

It’s tough work keeping up with a toddler. This sweet old man loves nap time more than anyone (which is saying a lot because I happen to be a huge nap fan).

bailey in office light-0001-edit-2-WM_WEB


105 | 365   april 15

You are growing like a spring weed which means finding all sorts of new trouble opportunities. I guarantee this won’t be the last time I catch you climbing the basement window sills.

basement windowsill climbing-0001-WM_WEB

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