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Stafford, VA Lifestyle Family Photographer | week 7 Project 365

043 | 365   february 12

A cold, snowy day outside but always warm enough inside to go pants-free.

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044 | 365   february 13

This sweet, patient old man is very loved by his toddler. He allowed you to decorate him like this after a rough morning. Best big brother around.

Bai hearts-WM_WEB


045 | 365 february 14

Happy Valentine’s Day! Your daddy and I found these under a tree on the side of the house shortly after we moved in. We took it as a sign that love resides here…and we were right.

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046 | 365   february 15

Truth time. These are the kinds of messes that I come across when you are napping or have gone to bed for the night. Some days I scurry around, frustrated by the constant cleaning. But then there are moments, like today, when I stop and remember how incredibly blessed I am to have a little boy making these “messes” all around. Especially because I know there will come a day when you are grown and my heart will ache for a pile of legos to clean up.

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047 | 365   february 16

Today daddy was home and we decided to take you to the National Aquarium. You were amazed by all of the sea creatures and went wild for the dolphins. You were curious but cautious, something that is emerging more and more in your personality. And you love animals. Maybe more than me, if that is even possible.



048 | 365   february 17

Okay so I had to use two pictures for today. My project, my rules…right? 🙂 Because these two were taken exactly 4 minutes and 22 seconds apart. And I think they sum up the emotional roller coaster of being a toddler perfectly. You loved daddy pulling you around in your new sled (thank you, Emmy and Poppy) but you were not so much a fan of the moment when I told you it was time to come inside.

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049 | 365   february 18

I always read a book to you before nap time. Today, you instisted on “reading” to me. You chose the big truck book and the only things I could underdstand throughout your story were the words “truck” and “blue”. But you turned the pages and pointed from left to right, spoke with varied intonation, and said “de ennnn” (the end) when you got to the last page…and the reading teacher in my went wild!

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  • May 16, 2015 - 1:57 am

    caroline - I love your 365 Images. I fell after week 52 but am trying to pick it up again, i was looking for inspiration and find your site. I am Dubai based photographer, be nice to keep each other inspired. Hope you get it going again! Caroline xReplyCancel

    • May 22, 2015 - 1:31 pm - Hi Caroline! Thanks for stopping by! I am still going strong and am currently on week 20 of my project 365 (check out the blog tab up top). Do you have a link to share to your work? I’d love to see and cheer you on 🙂 ~MeganReplyCancel

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