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Stafford Virginia family photography | week 8 project 365

050 | 365   february 19

Last week we were invited to a Valentine’s Day party with some friends. You made your “tines” and decorated a special box to receive your treats. And my heart broke when my car battery was dead and we missed the party. Well, we are lucky to have such great friends because today they invited us to a re-do of the party. You had a blast and fell asleep with your “tines” on the way home. And the beauty is, it didn’t matter to you one bit what day it was. All that mattered was spending time with friends.



051 | 365  february 20

This is what I get when I say, “no playing on the stairs.” Perhaps it is my fault for calling you a sweet little monkey all the time.

climbing stairs-0001-WM_WEB


052 | 265   february 21

As we get closer to your 2nd birthday, I am noticing little signs everywhere that you are much more of a little boy than a baby.



043 | 365 february 22

You love to create. With paint, crayons, markers, stickers, glitter…anything. And you do so passionately, sometimes overflowing onto the kitchen table. I find myself thankful for your free spirit…and washable crayons.



054 | 365  february 23

This is your lovey drawer. When you were a baby, you had terrible reflux and spent a lot of time with a burp cloth. And over time, you became attached. There are several that you used and loved so when they started to get worn, we bought new ones. Same. Exact. Ones. But you said, “ewwwwww” to the new, crisp, clean ones. You wanted your loved ones 🙂



055 | 365   fenruary 24

Dear curls,

Please don’t ever leave us. K thanks.

Love, Mommy

blocks with Wyatt-0004-WM_WEB


056 | 365  february 25

You have these reusable stickers that you love to put on the windows. Today we put these dinos on and pretended they were playing in the snow on the back deck. You would point and act surprised and then go straight into that belly laugh that is the sweetest sound everrrrrrr.


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  • March 1, 2015 - 3:13 pm

    Arica Smith - Oh wow, daredevil Ayden following your rules creatively about the stairs. I am glad you are capturing his passion for stickers. There is no telling where the stickers will end up!ReplyCancel

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