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week 5 project 365 | Stafford, VA | lifestyle family photographer

029 | 365   january 29

You are a sucker for the “clean up” song. The moment I start singing, you begin marching around and picking up your mess. Tonight you scurried around putting all of your laundry in the laundry basket. I plan to take full advantage of this trick while it lasts.

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030 | 365   january 30

I carried my camera around all day. Uploaded and didn’t loooooove anything. I decided to put the camera up on the shelf and sat down at the table to watch you play. You started carrying your blocks to this spot. This insane spot. Lines, light, shadows, reflections, colors, shapes, and you. All of my favorite things to photograph. I grabbed the camera and waited for you to turn in just the right direction. Thank you, little man, for reminding me that it can’t be forced. Sometimes you just have to wait for the magic.

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031 | 365   january 31

Spent my morning baking and playing with the Flynn Family. This could quite possibly be my favorite from the day.



032 | 365   february 1

This was my grandpa’s toy car when he was a little boy. It sits on your shelf now and serves as a beautiful reminder of someone we love and miss. One day, I know you will cherish it like I do.



033 | 365   february 2

You have some seriously strong opinions, my sweet boy. Today you refused to nap without this very specific little squirrel(?) bath toy. I didn’t understand but who am I to complain if it brings you a 2.5 hour nap 🙂

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034 | 365   february 3

Let’s talk about your lashes. They are uhhh-mazing. And those cheeks! Sometimes when you go into your toddler TV trance, I just sit and watch you. Every once in a while you glance over and flash a little smile…and my heart melts. Every. Single. Time. You are my world, little monkey.

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 035 | 365   february 4

We pretty much can’t plan to go anywhere for about 30 minutes after nap time. Sometimes when you wake up, you are in a terrible mood need some extra mommy cuddles. We cozy up on the couch together with your lovey as you slowly come back to life. Some might say you are grumpy. I’ll take your kind of grumpy any day if it brings just a couple more minutes of you close to me.

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